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December 29, 2019

Yang asks 'Where's Tulsi?' after video of Democratic candidates leaves her out

By: John Bowden

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang posted and later deleted a tweet questioning why Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) was excluded from a video message filmed by a number of candidates running for the party's presidential nomination on Tuesday.

The video, posted Monday by the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) Twitter account, features Yang alongside a slew of other Democratic candidates for president, including Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

It's part of a fundraising push for the DNC's Democratic Unity Fund, which works to support whichever candidate wins the Democratic nomination following the primary. Gabbard is not among the candidates in the video.

In a now-deleted tweet, Yang wrote, "Where's Tulsi?"

He followed up the message with an explanation, writing, "Just posted a tweet about a DNC video when I was unaware of the criterion used. That's why we have teams around us - to let us know these kinds of things. Happy Holidays!"

DNC officials, when contacted by The Hill, did not specify what the requirements were for appearing in the video.

Gabbard failed to qualify for December's Democratic debate, and Yang himself lies on the verge of not qualifying for the Democratic debate in January following the DNC's decision to raise the requirements for participation.

But the video has received some attention on social media since two other Democratic candidates who have yet to appear on stage in any of the debates, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, are both in the video.

Both Patrick and Bloomberg joined the race in November.

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