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December 19, 2019

What Is Behind The Tulsi Smears?

By: Jaffer Ali

Propaganda proceeds by psychological manipulations, character modifications, by creation of stereotypes useful when the time comes. The two great routes that this sub-propaganda takes are the conditioned reflex and the myth. -Jacques Ellul

You do not have to be a Tulsi Gabbard supporter to notice that the mainstream media and Democratic establishment are spending a great deal of time and effort to label Tulsi either a Russian agent or Assad apologist. For those that accept the smear as fact, you probably will not even grasp what follows. Those that notice, we will try to explain "why" this is happening to a Major in the National Guard who has deployed twice overseas.

I think there are two main reasons the Democratic Establishment and mainstream media wishes Tulsi would just go away. The political establishment has not forgiven her for resigning her position as the vice chair in the 2016 Democratic National Committee. She did this because she was aware that the committee was not being neutral and supported Hillary at Bernie's expense.

So she resigned and endorsed Bernie Sanders which has put her in hot water with the Democratic Establishment. But does this explain why the media will first ignore Tulsi and when not perfecting neglect, smears her with the Russian badge of dishonor?

I think there is a more insidious reason the mainstream media is smearing Tulsi at every opportunity. Tulsi is against regime change wars. Have you noticed how often mainstream media is FOR REGIME CHANGE WARS? Maybe they like these for ratings or fulfilling oligarch interests. But it is clear by the parade of *analysts* (usually CIA & Generals) on media outlets that an agenda is being pushed. We should add that labeling Tulsi a Russian agent has the added military-industrial complex (MIC) benefit of demonizing another potential adversary in Russia.

[If you like this blog post and/or are a fan of Tulsi, please click on this ]

If we ask cui bono (who benefits) we might glean another insight. Raytheon, Boeing, General Electric Aviation, Lockheed and others who comprise the (MIC) all benefit from the nearly $1 trillion spent annually for the military. Of course this amount may or may not include the "black budget" for shadowy military operations shielded from public view.

The MIC spends tens of millions of dollars lobbying Senators, Representatives and even the Presidency. Money from lobbyists used to be called by the no BS term; bribes. It also should be mentioned that the companies mentioned above ALSO spend billions of dollars in advertising on television and in newspapers.

The advertising dollars spent are not aimed at consumers. We do not buy missiles or tanks. The advertising is meant to subsidize network and newspaper editorial choices. The MIC buys editorial silence regarding bribes but also buys editorial support for military adventures.

OK, so what does all of this have to do with Tulsi Gabbard?

She is the only Democrat in the field that has the guts and ultimately patience to stand up to the MIC and its media mouthpieces. She stood up to the Democratic National Committee in 2016 after they screwed Bernie Sanders. Bernie did not even stand up for himself. He slavishly campaigned for Hillary.

Mayor Pete who likes to tell everyone that he has courage because he is a gay married man is too busy mining his *contacts* at McKinsey and supporting regime change wars at every turn to be taken seriously. The others in the field from Warren to Bloomberg are supplicants to a regime change narrative. Tulsi stands alone. Those following her have become ever more enthusiastic reminiscent of Ron Paul followers.

If this reverberates with any reading, consider dropping by and lending support to Tulsi whose voice needs to be heard.

Original Article: What Is Behind The Tulsi Smears?

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