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September 24, 2018

Good Morning Groanies,

Inventory2018A reader by the name of James sent this, as he puts it, "Sorta-joke" to me. You be the judge!

If your nose runs,
And your feet smell...
You're built upside-down.

James...I'll be honest...I laughed so hard that I think I peed a little. Bravo, sir!

Please send me your jokes. Laughter and pee not guaranteed.

Groaningly yours,

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Jokes? Comments? Questions? Email Steve

*-- On The Late Night Bus --*

A drunken man gets on the bus late one night, staggers up the aisle, and sits next to an elderly woman.

She looks the man up and down and says, "I've got news for you. You're going straight to hell!"

The man jumps up out of his seat and shouts, "Oh man, I'm on the wrong bus!"

*-- A Classic Bar Joke --*

A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: "A beer for me please, and one for the road."

*-- Q and A Quickies --*

Q: What did the necktie say to the hat?

A: You go on a head. I'll hang around for awhile.

Q: What does a panda use to cook on?

A: A pan, duh!

(From Reader mm)


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