Phunny Pictures - August 15, 2015
Howdy Folks,
I do most of my thinkin' in the water closet. Oh, the water closet is know to fancy folks as "the bathroom".
Well, while I was in the water closet I was thinkin' about taking care of the weeds in the backyard. You mite be thinkin', "What made you think of this?" Well, when your water closet is the backyard, you notice things.
Hey, i just want to be close to nature.
Take Care Y'all
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Last Weeks Picture:
Here's the Top caption submissions as incompetently judged by Jethro:
monkey soup, not quite done yet...
Chef Lorenzo was nice to let us use his pool!
Hey! Are you not wearing your shorts in there?
Ah, The Marinade....My Favorite Part..........
Monkey see monkey stew.
"If Mom sees us, she'll go ape!"
Ahhhh, it's so hot I was fartin' dust! Hold on a sec and we will have us a jacuzzi!
Always drink upstream of the herd!
"Some of those bugs were already in there!"
Nothing beats a broth bath, I'll tell ya!
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