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August 30, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Before heading to today's hints I wanted to share another great product we just got in stock here. One of my older sisters has these and every time I'm over there and watch her bake brownies or cookies, or even make a stew I tell myself I need to get me a set of these measuring cups. My kitchen is very, and when I say very I mean it, limited on cabinet and drawer space so I'm always looking for new ways to save on space. Measuring cups can be bulky and take up tons of room, but these collapsible cups are perfect for me and my small kitchen. You receive the standard 4 which are: 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1 cup. I love 'em - they are so compact, dishwasher safe, and just right for my pocket book. CHeck them out below:

Collapsible Measuring Cups

Handy Hints Holly
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Hint 1:

Remove mildew from grout by combining equal parts of shaving cream and bleach. Apply the mixture to the grout areas in your bathroom. The shaving cream helps the bleach attack any mildew, so you just need to elave it overnight and rinse away in the morning for an easy clean.

Hint 2: This hint never gets old, so I'm running it yet again.

To remove lingering odors from your microwave, place half a lemon in a bowl of water and heat on low for a few minutes.

Or even if you have odors in your kitchen you can take a few slices of lemon (or orange, or both) and place in some water and simmer on your stove. It smells so awesome I tell ya!