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Phunny Pictures - September 6, 2014

Howdy Folks,

Well, my young'uns went back to school the other week. Yesterday I noticed that they hung some art projects on the frigerator. The kids made some macaroni art on paper plates and it was really creative and cute... and delicious.

That's right, I ate there art projects. I couldn't help it. I was hungry and i was tired of eatin leftovers and i didn't have to open the fridge or a cabinet to get to any food. I'm sorry, but I'm lazy.

I felt bad after i ate it so I told the kids that I would get them some glue, glitter, crayons, more macaroni, paper plates, and some construction paper so they could make more wonderful art projects.

Oh, who am I kiddin, I'll probably eat that too.

Take Care Y'all

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Captions? Comments? Questions? Email Jethro


Last Weeks Picture:

Here's the Top caption submissions as incompetently judged by Jethro:

nothing better than a warm puppy

Henrietta always had poor eyesight

Hmmmmm....this makes a good foot warmer.

You are going to stay right & take your nap

Of course, someday I'll have to tell him that he was adopted.

Raising a family is ruff.

Man, that must have been some egg!

I got to stay away from that tequila at last call

Uhhh... Cluck cluck??

I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my husband.

New Picture:

Send your captions to: JETHRO


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