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May 24, 2011


Today we are
concentrating on a few ways you can use
vinegar around your home. I
always have a jug of vinegar
under my
kitchen sink. I, also, have a small spray
that is always filled with equal
parts of vinegar and water.
I use it
for a quick counter or kitchen table wipe.
best part I love about vinegar is
that it's earth-friendly.

your first tip: Get rid of the cigarette
smoke smell
from inside your home by
pouring some vinegar into a bowl and setting
it in the room with the strongest odor.
Within a day the odor should be gone. If the
smell is really strong, set out a few bowls.

Handy Hints Holly

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Hint 1:

Disinfect your
toilet bowl by pouring 2 cups of vinegar
into the bowl and letting it soak overnight
before flushing.

Hint 2:
This hint really does cut
down on the scrubbing time.

your microwave by placing a glass bowl
filled with a
quarter cup of vinegar
and 1 cup of water inside. Turn on

your microwave to the highest setting for
about 5 minutes
and once the bowl
cools, use the liquid to sponge away the


I personally don't get cold
sores, but a friend of mine uses this trick
and swears by it.

Treat a cold
sore by dabbing it with a cotton ball soaked
in vinegar 3 times a day. The vinegar will
soothe the pain and swelling.