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October 16, 2020

Dear Friends:

99 Cent 2020It's NOT Friday the 13th! But would you be worried if it was? I'm not superstitious, but you can never be too careful.

Today's video gives us the origins of multiple superstitions that are still commonplace. Watch out for black cats! Don't spill the salt! Make sure to watch the might just help make today a little easier for you.

Thank you,

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*-- Video Clip of the Week --*

Video Thumbnail
The Origin Of Superstitions

Thirteen is an unlucky number, breaking a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck, black cats - Do you know how these superstitions came to be?

To Watch It Now simply click the box to the RIGHT. =====>>>>> Then, once you're on our archives page the video is located on the top right hand corner for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

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