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THE DAILY GROANER - December 23, 2015

Good Morning Groanies,

Well, Christmas is two days away. I'm getting crazy excited like most kids do. I'm a little hyper. Just a bit. I hope I can get to sleep before that Santa guy gets here.

I hope that your holiday celebration is wonderful and memorable. Have a great holiday, a Merry Christmas and I'll talk at you before the New Year.

Santa is coming! Hurry up! Get the cookies and milk! Oh, man I'm hyper!

Groaningly yours,

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*-- Q and A Quickies --*

Q: What's the difference between snowmen and snowladies?

A: Snowballs.

Q: What do you call a scary reindeer?

A: A cariboo.

*-- Random X-Mas Stuff --*

- What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a new job the next day.

- Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year.

- This holiday season, in lieu of gifts, I've decided to give everyone my opinion.

*-- Even More Q and A Quickies --*

Q: Why did the Grinch go to the liquor store?

A: He was looking for the holiday spirit.

Q: What's the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa?

A: Santa stopped at 3 ho's.


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