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January 05, 2020

Tulsi Gabbard draws crowd while surfing in New Hampshire

By John Bowden
The Hill

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) drew a crowd in Hampton, N.H., on Wednesday as she joined a group of surfers in the frigid Atlantic Ocean.

The avid surfer and 2020 candidate for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination told reporters that she highly recommends early morning surfing, even in cold weather.

"There is absolutely no better way to start the day and to start the year," Gabbard said, adding: "If we could go surfing every day, and bring everybody out, that'd be awesome."

Gabbard, who has remained in the single digits in national polling since launching her presidential campaign, is campaigning in New Hampshire ahead of the state's first-in-the-nation primary contest. She has yet to qualify for the next Democratic debate, held in just under two weeks.

The Hawaii Democrat also failed to qualify for December's debate after sparring with her fellow contenders onstage at previous contests.

Original Article: Tulsi Gabbard draws crowd while surfing in New Hampshire

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