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February 04, 2020

Poll: Republicans more satisfied than Democrats with U.S. life

Republicans are far more satisfied about current aspects of American life than are Democrats, according to a new survey a day before President Donald Trump gives his annual assessment in his State of the Union address.

Gallup said its research has shown most in the United States are largely happy with the domestic economy and national security, but dissatisfied on issues like public education and healthcare.

Gallup asked adults in the United States their satisfaction with 30 different aspects and specific issues on the current state of the nation.

Republicans said they're satisfied with 19 of the 30, while Democrats are happy with just four.

Gallup inquired about many issues -- including overall quality of life, religious influence, gay rights, race relations, national security against terrorism, environmental quality, military strength and preparedness, Social Security and Medicare, abortion and taxes.

Of all 30 aspects and issues, a majority of both Republicans and Democrats said they're satisfied on four -- overall quality of life, opportunity by working hard, military strength and preparedness and security from terrorism.

The sharpest partisan divides involve the state of the economy, the position of women, the position of African Americans and other racial minorities, and the way income and wealth are distributed. Some 65 percent of Republicans, for instance, said they are satisfied with wealth and income distribution, compared to just 23 percent of Democrats.

Gun laws is another divided issue -- with 68 percent of Republicans satisfied compared to just 17 percent of Democrats -- as is the position of African Americans and other minorities in the United States.

Perhaps their biggest difference on any single policy area is the U.S. role in world affairs. Sixty-four percent of Republicans said they're satisfied compared to 22 percent of Democrats.

Gallup polled more than 1,000 U.S. adults for the survey, which has a margin of error of 4 points.

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