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October 03, 2020

Howdy Folks,

Closeout EventI had to bail out my Aunt Ida again because of her attitude. I'll explain...

Aunt Ida took her newly purchased power sander back to the hardware store because it wasn't powerfull enuff to ware down her toe nails. Aunt Ida is on this whole footcare kick and wanted to be able to where sandles next summer so she figured she better get started now.

When the hardware store informed her that the sander wasn't designed to handle things like that, she flipped out! Aparentlee, She created a scene that required her removal from the store by three uniformed officers.

After I bailed her out she asked if I would take her back to the hardware store so she could apologize in-person. I was rather taken by the idea... so off we went.

She shuffled her way into the store with a smiley mask on her face. Minutes later she exited in more speedy motion. But before she made it to the truck security nabbed her.

I was later informed by the police that she had used one of the display toilets and left a note that stated, "It's my turn to give you crap." She is truely one of the cutiest 89 year-old lady you'd ever meet.

Take Care Y'all

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Captions? Comments? Questions? Email Jethro

Last Weeks Picture:

Here's the Top caption submissions as incompetently judged by Jethro:

Watch where you are putting your foot!

The floor is LAVA!

I think I put the saddle on sideways!

Alice doesn't understand riding sidesaddle.

There's got to be an easier way to ride this...!

Keep counting, my feet ain't touched the ground yet!

Next time I'll get an Uber.

Billy got HIS goat!!

I thought you wanted a hug!

One is wild and one is wooly.

New Picture:

Send your captions to: JETHRO

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