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September 22, 2023

Gun News

Biden Admin. to announce new federal office of gun violence prevention

President Joe Biden is set to establish the first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention, as outlined by two anonymous individuals with knowledge of the plan.

This office will serve as a central hub for coordinating initiatives throughout the federal government, offering assistance and guidance to states grappling with the rise in gun violence. It will also take a leading role in implementing the bipartisan gun legislation that was signed into law the previous year. The new initiative is expected to be formally announced by President Biden at a White House event, according to the individuals who are privy to the plans.

The establishment of this office represents a crucial step in addressing the concerns of gun safety activists who came together as a coalition to endorse President Biden during the 2024 presidential election. It underscores the White House's commitment to keeping the issue at the forefront, particularly as the president advocates for a ban on so-called 'assault weapons' and calls on Congress to take action.

Kris Brown, president of the gun safety advocacy group Brady, which has been pushing for the creation of this office since 2020, expressed, "The creation of an Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the White House will mark a turning point in how our federal government responds to an epidemic that plagues every state and every community in America."

Key figures expected to assume roles within the newly established office include Greg Jackson, the executive director of the Community Justice Action Fund, and Rob Wilcox from Everytown for Gun Safety. Oversight of the office will fall to Stef Feldman, the White House staff secretary. The Washington Post initially reported on the White House's plans.

It's worth noting that firearms are the leading cause of death among children in the United States. As of 2020, the firearm mortality rate for individuals under the age of 19 in the U.S. stands at 5.6 per 100,000, a stark contrast to Canada, which records 0.08 deaths per 100,000 in the same age group. However, Republican support for gun restrictions has waned, one year after Congress passed the most comprehensive firearms control legislation in decades with bipartisan backing.

While 92% of Democrats are in favor of strengthening gun laws, support among Republicans has dwindled from 49% to 32% since the previous summer, and independent support has also dipped slightly from 72% to 61%. Despite the political divide, both sides concur on the importance of reducing mass shootings in the nation, as indicated by a recent poll.

Featured Firearm

Wilson Combat EDC X9

It could be argued that the three best modern fighting pistols are the 1911, Browning Hi-Power, and Glock 17. What if you could combine the best features of all three of those pistols? Well, that's exactly what Wilson Combat did. The EDC X9 operates like a 1911, has the ultra-comfortable grip of a Hi-Power, and the capacity and size of a Glock 17. Available with or without an accessory rail, the EDC X9 is quite possibly the best fighting pistol ever made - and at around $3,100, it's priced accordingly.

With its 7075 aluminum frame and external extractor, the Wilson Combat EDC X9 is light and reliable for concealed carry. It comes standard with a double stack 15 round capacity, additionally they offer double stack limited capacity 10 round Wilson Combat Magazines for states where full capacity magazines are illegal.

Did you know?

What does constitutional carry mean?

Under constitutional carry legislation, a person who legally owns a firearm may carry it in public, visibly or concealed, at almost any time or place, without training, registration or government licensing.

Is 'constitutional carry' the same as 'open carry'?

"Open carry" means you can publicly carry a legally owned firearm that is kept in plain sight or partially concealed, usually holstered. Some states require a separate permit or license for this, most do not. Three states - California, Illinois and Florida - currently ban open carry.

"Concealed carry" means you can publicly carry a legally owned firearm that is hidden from view. Concealed carry is currently legal in all 50 states but some states, such as Florida, require special training and a license before it is allowed.

Thanks for reading,

The Editor

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