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September 18, 2023


Salt has seasoned English in many ways. Because Romans put salt or brine on their vegetables, the word "salad" developed. Because Roman soldiers were given money to buy salt, "salary" was coined.

So let's enjoy some interesting facts about salt...

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Today's Random Facts:

In promoting the Louisiana Purchase, President Thomas Jefferson cited reports of a "salt mountain" in the territory. "This mountain is said to be 180 miles long and 45 in width, composed of solid rock salt, without any trees or shrubs on it."

The adult human body contains about 250 grams of salt - about half a pound.

According to superstition, spilling salt can cause bad luck - an idea that may have originated with Leonardo da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper," which shows Judas Isariot knocking over a salt container.

Chicago is America's salty center, thanks to the Morton Salt Co. The company was owned by Joy Morton, a man who got his first name from the maiden name of his mother, Caroline Joy.

There is an enormous salt mine under the city of Detroit, about 1,200 feet below ground. According to Detroit Salt Co, the century-old mine spreads out more than 1,500 acres and has more than 100 miles of underground roads.