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May 24, 2023

Good Morning,

AllProducts2With summer right around the corner we must be ready to deal with those pesky pests - BUGS!

No one enjoys being stung or bitten by insects. We all know that it is going to happen but it doesn't take away from how annoying it still is.

Well, annoyance aside, how do you handle this problem after the fact?


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Take Care of Bites and Stings

When bit or stung by an insect make sure to:

Move away from the insect. Bees especially will alert others to their situation, drawing more to you! If you have been "stung", remove the stinger or spines (in a case of caterpillars) as quick as possible.

Lower the limb with the sting or bite. It will slow any toxin that could have been released from spreading. Later you can elevate it if you need to for the swelling.

To prevent infection make sure to:

Wash the area with soap and water.

Wipe the area clean with rubbing alcohol or first-aid antiseptic.

Do not break blisters.

Apply antibiotic ointment and cover it with adhesive bandages. Stop using it if the skin under bandages begins to itch or a rash develops.

To help with pain, itching, and swelling you should:

Take antihistamine orally.

Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes per hour.

Apply hydrocortisone 1% cream or calamine lotion to help with the itching.

With any bite or sting, always watch for fevers, new symptoms, skin infections, or flu-like symptoms. That is always the cue to go to the doctor!

And to take care of those pesky bugs... click the name to order your very own...

1. Extendable Mega Hand Fly Swatter

2. Handheld Electric Bug Vacuum with LED Light

3. Rechargeable Tennis Racket Bug Zapper with LED light

4. Bug Zapper Tennis Racquet 2-Pack

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