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June 29, 2022

Good Morning,

Dollar DealsWhat is Apple Cider Vinegar and what makes it different form the standard white vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is produced during the fermentation of apple cider. The sugar in apples is fermented by yeast and/or bacteria added to the cider, then into alcohol and, finally, into vinegar.

Like other types of vinegar, the key component in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid. There are many claims that apple cider vinegar may boost your health in a variety of ways.

And after reading today's issue, if Apple Cider Vinegar sounds like something that would benefit you, then make sure you order the Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies!

Apple Cider Gummies are all the rage with the brand Goli leading the way. They are great BUT they are so expensive! We found these awesome Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies by Kaya that are almost identical (they're a little more powerful) than the Goli ones.

Now what will they do for you?
- Improve Gut Health
- Decrease Appetite
- Cleanse Your Colon, Liver, and GI Tract
- Increase Circulation
- Aids in Weight-Loss
- Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
- Boosts Immune System Health
- Improves Energy Levels

So feel better and get healthier with Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies.

Click Here and order yours Today!

Now, let's learn a little more about Apple Cider Vinegar!


Questions? Comments? Email Steve

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*-- Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar --*

1. Apple Cider Vinegar can aid in weight loss. Studies show that consuming vinegar before or with a meal may have a small effect. Recent studies have examined the effects of daily vinegar intake on body fat in adults who were obese. At the end of the study, participants who had consumed vinegar had a very modest one-to-two pound reduction in body weight. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, triglycerides, and visceral fat were also reduced. Further studies are needed to understand the connection between vinegar and weight.

2. Soothe a Sore Throat. When you drink or gargle Apple Cider Vinegar, it helps to alleviate the pain of a sore throat. Although there are many different recipes and protocols, a basic drink recipe calls for a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of honey, and a small pinch of cayenne pepper stirred in a cup of warm water.

3. Ease Heartburn and Indigestion. Apple cider vinegar is said to ease some types of heartburn, acid re-flux, and digestive conditions like constipation or diarrhea. For heartburn, apple cider vinegar is thought to work because it is acidic, and a lack of stomach acid is believed to trigger heartburn symptoms in some people. Just like adjusting anything in your diet, you want to be sure to consult with your doctor before.

How to properly use Apple Cider Vinegar: Since it is acidic, it is important to dilute apple cider vinegar before applying it to body. A recommended 1:10 ratio is suggested when applying it directly to skin. It may need to be diluted a little more if you have sensitive skin. Be sure to consult your physician before using.

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