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May 29, 2021

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Gun News

Texas Gov. Abbott expected to sign bill letting residents carry guns without permit

The Texas Legislature has given final approval to a bill that would allow residents to carry handguns in public without a permit, and Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign it Tuesday.

Lawmakers in Texas' House and Senate gave final passage to the "constitutional carry" proposal.

Under the bill, residents over the age of 21 could carry a handgun in public without any special permit. Current Texas law requires gun owners to be trained and undergo a criminal background check before they can receive a license to carry.

"Constitutional Carry is headed to the governor's desk," State Rep. Matt Schaefer, the author of the bill, tweeted after the House and Senate resolved differences in their versions of the bill.

Schaefer also said he's disappointed that the final bill didn't include a controversial amendment that would have barred police from stopping a person legally from carrying a handgun without cause. Other lawmakers hailed the bill.

"This is a simple restoration of Texans' constitutional right under the Second Amendment, a right of the people to keep and bear arms," said Sen. Charles Schwertner, according to the Texas Tribune.

"I think it is a bill that is the strongest bill I've seen in my legislative career regarding the rights of our Second Amendment."

Democrats, who are in the minority in both bodies, fear the bill will endanger Texans and make them more vulnerable to mass shootings.

"Texas is on its way to becoming a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State," Abbott tweeted about another gun measure in the legislature, which would block any new federal gun control regulations.

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Featured Firearm

Sprinfield XD

The Springfield XD line is one of the most popular in the United States. Available in several calibers and sizes, these reliable pistols are extremely popular with shooters that vary in stature and experience.

The XD-S Mod.2 is a very slim single stack firearm that makes a great handgun for people looking to conceal carry. These are available in 9mm, .40sw, and .45 acp.

If you're looking for something a bit larger you can go with something like an XD-M Elite model handgun. These have some extremely fine-tuned triggers, and pro shooters love them. These are available in 9mm only.

There are also XD-E, XD-M, and of course the basic XD lines. Some are even available in pink!

Weather you are new, or a seasoned shooter, the Springfield XD series makes for a line with exceptional comfort, durability, ease of operation, and performance.

Did you know?

Key Guns

In the 1850s, jail guards carried around a very special type of firearm that looked like a key. These key guns actually worked and were used to lock the cells in the jail. These guns only had one round in them, but in a life-or-death situation, that one round might come in handy.

Obviously, the guards had other weapons on them, but they had these key guns, too, just in case. Key guns were eventually discontinued because there were a lot more useful and practical weapons out there for guards to use, but they remain some of the most unique and cool-looking firearms to ever have been invented.

Thanks for reading,

The Editor

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