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March 23, 2021

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Gun News

Arthur Savage and the Lever Action Rifle

Savage was born in 1857 and lived a colorful life as an inventor, explorer and businessman. While the lever action shotgun was in use, it was Savage that is credited for inventing the lever action rifle that shot guncotten cartridges.

There is also disputed claims to his inventing the detachable box magazines used for the military. Arguably, his most enduring invention had nothing to do with firearms. He is the inventor of radial tires!

One thing is clear while writing these short biographies of the men who made guns is that all of them are unique individuals. Savage uprooted his family and headed to Australia to homestead. He bought land and eventually became the largest cattle rancher in the country before selling it. He then moved the family to Jamaica and bought a coffee plantation.

He moved to Utica, NY and began tinkering with making firearms with his son. In 1894, Savage Arms was created. Savage the renaissance man was constantly evolving. Cattle rancher, coffee plantation owner, gun manufacturer and then tire manufacturer.

Savage committed suicide when he turned 81 years old.

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Top 5 Firearms Sold in 2020

5) Smith & Wesson M&P Shield
4) Sig P365
3) Springfield Hellcat
2) Sig P320

and the most popular firearm last year...

1) Glock 19

Thanks for reading,

The Editor

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