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October 12, 2020

Hello Beautiful,

New SeasonIt's Katie bringing you another week of tips, hints, styles, and trends to help you look and feel your best!

Suffering from a serious case of itchy scalp can be one of the most unpleasant experiences a person can have. Not only is it painful and unpleasant, it can be downright embarrassing to walk around with an itchy head. This is especially true if you happen to go to a lot of public places, and your job requires you to stand in front of lot of people. The causes for itchy scalp can be many.

The good news is that there are a lot treatment options available in front of you. These range from prescription medication, natural and herbal based remedies to common house hold items.

Until next time,

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*-- Stop an Itchy Scalp --*

A kitchen staple that a lot people these days have in their kitchens is apple cider vinegar. It is a popular home remedy for many problems. You're going to want to test it on a small patch of skin. If it burns or otherwise hurts, dilute the vinegar in water. Try half water and half vinegar. You can spray it on your scalp with a spray bottle several times a week. Leave it on or rinse it off after it dries. But don't try this one if you have an open cut or sore on your head.

Peppermint oil has also made its debut as a natural home remedy and it can also calm a nagging itch. It has several qualities that might explain the relief it brings:
It cools skin, which can calm irritated, inflamed areas.
It increases blood flow, which may alleviate itch.
It may kill lice with its chemical components.

Here's how you do it: Stir two drops of peppermint oil into one cup of cool water. Gently massage the mixture into your scalp for a few minutes. Then shampoo and condition as usual.

If your head is itchy due to dandruff, follow these lifestyle tips to ease or prevent an itchy scalp:
Reduce stress. Believe it or not, your mental health affects your physical health. Stress can make your dandruff symptoms worse.
Eat a healthy diet. A diet filled with zinc, B vitamins, and certain fats may prevent dandruff.

Keep your hair clean. Gently shampoo at least daily to avoid an oily scalp. Try to cut back on hair styling products.
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