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June 24, 2019

Good morning crew,

Closeout EventThe parade I marched in this weekend turned out to be a bit anticlimactic. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but mostly what it was, was standing around. Standing around waiting for people to show up, standing around waiting to get in line, standing around in line, standing around waiting for everybody else to get in line. And that was before the parade even started. Once we got moving it wasn't too much more exciting, but at least we kept busy.

My job was to entice little kids standing along the parade route into breaking a board. We were marching behind a van loaded with a half dozen boxes full of them. That part was pretty easy since what little kid doesn't want to break something? Then I hand the parent a coupon for some free classes at the school. Not too terribly difficult, but the trick is that the parade, and the van, never stop moving. So when I stopped to hold a board for a little kid, I would have to run to catch up to the van afterward. So, stop and run, stop and run, stop and run. The parade route was less than a mile and a half but I have to admit I was a bit fatigued at the end of it. I guess in a way it was fun. Being in a parade made me the focus of attention, and little kids are easily impressed.

Laugh it up,


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