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May 22, 2019

Hello Beautiful,

Gifts 4 HerIt's Katie bringing you another week of tips, hints, styles, and trends to help you look and feel your best!

I love wearing jewelry, but I've been apprehensive to clean it myself because I am always worried I am going to ruin my favorite rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

Air pollutants, dust, perspiration, perfumes and hairspray can all dull the appearance of your baubles & bangles, but a regular cleaning to remove dirt & buildup will keep it looking its' best!

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*-- Always Keep Your Jewelry Shining --*

One of the biggest tips I can give is that your jewelry does not like being exposed to perfume or lotions. Apply your creams and hairspray first, let it dry, and then you can put your jewelry on. This way your jewelry isn't getting covered in gunk or experiencing hairspray build up.

When it comes to cleaning your jewelry, I always use a very soft rag! Wipe down rings often, and follow this method for a deeper clean:

1. Start with just a bit of warm water and a drop or two of a non-detergent soap. You want soap that is gentle enough not to damage your jewelry, but it will remove oils and loosen buildup.

2. Let the jewelry soak for 5-10 minutes.

3. Now take a baby toothbrush, and gently scrub under and around any stone settings, or any spot where dirt might be collecting.

4. Dry your jewelry with a soft cloth, and it will look good as new!

This method is safe for gold, silver, platinum, diamond, sapphires and even rubies! You can do this every week, if necessary, but once a month is just fine for most jewelry.

If you are not comfortable using soap on your jewelry then I recommend the Pro-Gem Elite Professional Ultrasonic and Steam Cleaner System

This complete system cleans and shines your beloved jewelry in minutes! Place your items in the ultrasonic cleaner, flip the switch, and it will disperse up to 5,800 energy waves per minute! With just the use of water, the tiny vibration waves will break down dirt and debris in less than 5 minutes.

Top off the cleaning process with the Steam Cleaner. The combination of heat and steam will polish your jewelry so it can shine bright once again!
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