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April 13, 2020

Hello Beautiful,

PurifizeIt's Katie bringing you another week of tips, hints, styles, and trends to help you look and feel your best!

If your wallet is feeling a bit thin right now or you're looking for ways to supplement your skincare routine without leaving your home, why not try a few DIY face masks?

We can get an at-home facial using ingredients lying around our kitchen.

Until next time,

Questions? Comments? Email me

*-- DIY Beauty Face Masks--*

Banana Face Mask: We all know bananas are high in potassium, but did you know you can apply them topically to receive some of their benefits?

Not only that, bananas are a good source of vitamin C, biotin and manganese which are all nutrients your skin will soak up. Mix a mashed banana with honey and lemon juice (to add some exfoliating acidity to the mask), apply to your face for ten minutes and reap the benefits.

Coffee Face Mask: We're all for finding more ways to incorporate our life force morning cup into our lives. The same caffeine that perks you up actually has skin benefits like fighting inflammation and reducing redness. To use it topically, mix ground beans with milk and lemon juice, forming a thick paste that you then slather onto your face for ten to 15 minutes (while you slowly sip your brew).

Avocado Face Mask: All the vitamins and fats that make avocados so good to eat also give them healing properties when it comes to skin masks. Simply combine half an avocado with hot water and honey to make a simple, soothing paste. Keep it on for ten minutes, wash it away and bask in your own glow.
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