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The FINAL issue of Trivia. So long, and thanks for all the facts.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
The top 10 New Year resolutions.
Should old acquaintance be forgot.
Do you know your bubbly?
Holiday movies.
Like a magic wand over this world.
The longest night of the year.
It takes 60 tons of paint to rustproof this national monument.
Pretzels were 'invented' by a lazy baker.
Like a hand in glove.
A Christmas favorite for 54 years.
What fish costs $1.8 million?
A prize is waiting for the new Scrambler winner.
Young man, there's no need to feel down...
The 'ferocious' fish.
And the new Scrambler winner is...
Art is long, life is short.
The new age of mega-corporations.
Congratulations to the new Scrambler winner.
What was Rembrandt's real name?
Let's hope tomorrow doesn't turn into a 'turkey shoot'.
We're revealing the new Scrambler winner NOW.
Everybody sweats.
Veterans Day.
Congratulations to the new Scrambler winner.
Trench Talk: cushy, snapshot, Blighty & more.
The two things that really brought America together.
The new Scrambler winner is on the right track.
Sooner or later, all souls go into the old one's cauldron.
Riding in cars.
Announcing the new Scrambler winner. Repeat: Announcing...
The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
What is the best-selling board game in the world?
This week's Scrambler winner is sweeping up.
Pomp and Circumstance.
It's getting close.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Why is the Incredible Hulk green?
Looking back at early health and hygiene horrors.
Congratulations to the new Scrambler winner.
A new format and a new look, check it out.
Take me out to the ball game.
The new Scrambler winner gets the gold.
A dentist always looks down in the mouth.
It's time for pumpkin spice and apple crisp.
There is a prize waiting for the new Scrambler winner.
The Statue of Liberty was actually a lighthouse.
Odd jobs.