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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hello Animal lovers,

We all need somewhere to sleep. Giving a dog their own sleeping space is great, since it relieves their human counterparts of notorious and unaware bedhogs. But some households have multiple pets, and then it just pushes the problems off to them! 

Here's a video compilation of a bunch of cats taking over dogbeds. I understand some of these canine's frustrations - how would you like it to see your brother sleeping in your spot?

Also, just for the heck of it, I decided to use bigger images for the newsletter!

Pleasant Watching,

Featured Video:
Cats Stealing Dog Beds
Hey, I was just taking a cat nap!

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Last Week's Video:
Hovercraft Rescue
When some deer get trapped on slippery ice, it's up to a father son team to get their hovercrafts and rescue them!

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