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Lots of people are obsessed with getting their teeth white and perfect looking. Some people spend hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars to have white teeth. However, that can leave your teeth sensitive and don't last forever. Here are some ways to naturally whiten your teeth at home!

1. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Paste

Of course Baking Soda is a whitening agent for teeth cleaning at home. Sometimes though, it can be mildly abrasive. Make sure to gently scrub away stains on your teeth with this mixture. If you consume a lot of acidic foods during the day, this mixture can actually help balance the Ph levels in your mouth. The lemon juice also contains acid so the baking soda actually reduces the acidity and helps stop the breakdown of enamel. You can also switch it up by using a mixture of baking soda and water some days and baking soda and lemon on others.

-Several teaspoons of baking soda
-Enough lemon juice or water to form a paste

Wipe your teeth and any extra saliva off with a paper towel. Put the paste on the toothbrush and apply. Leave on for 1 minute, then rinse. If you are just using water, leave on for 3 minutes.

2. Strawberry, Salt and Baking Soda Scrub

Strawberries contain Vitamin C which breaks down the plaque that causes yellow teeth. Also contains an enzyme that helps to remove surface stains. The salt is the abrasive part of the paste and actually scrubs away the stain-causing gunk and the baking soda is added for extra measure. Baking soda is an optional ingredient to this mixture.

-1-3 large strawberries
-A pinch of salt
-1/2 teaspoon of baking soda (optional)

Mash up the berries, add in the salt and the baking soda. Wipe away any extra saliva off your teeth with a paper towel and apply a generous mixture to the toothbrush and apply. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes and rinse. Do this every night.

3. Coconut Oil Rinse

This particular recipe is actually an old remedy that people have been swearing by for teeth whitening. It's not the most pleasant tasting thing ever but it does make a difference in the color of your teeth. It won't bleach your teeth, but the lauric acid in coconut oil can help get rid of the bacteria found in plaque that causes yellow teeth. It's supposed to help with gum health and fresh breath.

-About a tablespoon of coconut oil

In the morning before you brush your teeth, put the oil in your mouth. You can let it soften or just put it in your mouth. Push, swish, and "pull" the oil through your teeth for 10-15 minutes. Spit it out, rinse with water, then brush your teeth.