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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hello Animal lovers,

Who would have thought that baby skunks would have been so cute? Well I guess little animals of all kinds have a certain kind of adorableness. This video clip is from a documentary on skunks, and you actually learn a lot about them - did you know that baby skunks, are born with stripe patterns on their hairless bodies? The white and black fur just grows on top of it later on as they get older.

Just in case any of you are interested in playing with a baby skunk (called a kit) watch out - cause they can spray too! I've thankfully never been sprayed, but I don't mean to. I guess I'll stay away from babies and adults alike.

Pleasant Watching,

Baby Skunks
Ever wanted to learn more about cute baby skunks (called kits)?

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Last Week's Clip:
Chihuahua Puppy Learns To Walk
He's either drunk, or a very young puppy (probably the latter)

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