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USA and NATO Are Terrorists? The Story of Raymond Davis
From: The Daily Censored

Was Raymond Davis organizing terrorist activities in
Pakistan for the United States government? If so then
this begs the question are the US government and NATO
behind other terrorist acts we hear about in the press?

Dave Lindorff reports in 'Counter Punch' that American
Raymond Davis was a CIA employee and mercenary who shot
two Pakistani intelligence agents in Lahore Pakistan, and
was arrested. President Obama was caught lying before the
world with false tales that Davis was an employee of the
US embassy and therefore had blanket diplomatic immunity
to cover the crimes he committed. Davis had contacts with
twenty-seven Pakistani militants with ties to the Taliban
terrorists. Pakistani intelligence is reporting that Davis
knew both men he murdered with eight shots. Each of the
men had two shots in the front of their bodies and two
shots in their backs. Davis was using "killer" hollow
point bullets. He executed one of his victims with a shot
to the head, and then he took time to photograph both
murdered men before he was captured. The two motorcyclists
were Pakistani intelligence agents and they may have been
tailing Davis because of his suspected involvement in
terrorism against Pakistan. A third man was later killed
when a consulate vehicle, rushing to rescue Davis from a
feared kidnapping, ran over a third motorcyclist before
speeding away. Two of the men on motorcycles were armed
with pistols, but none were drawn. There has been specul-
ation in the Pakistani Press that Davis is linked to a
wave of terrorist bombings. Photographs of Pakistani
military instillations, mosques, and a school that were
targeted by Taliban terrorists where found on Davis'
camera. Intelligence officials from Pakistan worry that
there may be hundreds of CIA agents or assets working in
Pakistan to destabilize the country and ferment ethic
strife through Taliban bombings, without the knowledge
of the Pakistanis.

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In today's world the President of the United States can
openly lie, referring to Davis as "our diplomat in
Pakistan." Then after almost a month of denying it, the
US coughed up that Davis is a CIA agent and probably an
employee of the mercenary group Xe, (formerly known as
Blackwater). The Associated Press and the New York Times
now admit that they deliberately repeated the US govern-
ment lies when they were told to.

After world wide attention to the case an unknown group
from America paid over two million dollars in "Blood
Money" to the families of the men he murdered while their
agent was allowed to walk free from a Pakistani prison
and leave the country. U.S. secretary of State Hillary
Clinton (who had also originally lied about the Davis
being an embassy employee) denied that the US government
had paid the hush money. A lawyer of the family revealed
that the $2.34 million came from the Americans.

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