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The Finest Hours DVD...Rare WWII archive footage
TRIVIA TODAY - Friday, February 11, 2011

Greetings Infomaniacs,

Congratulations to "Granny Hodgen" who won this week's
"Mind Scrambler". Here was the scrambler:

Powerful enough to smash ships and crush roofs. Yet it
still must fear the sun. What is it?



Email Melissa:



QUOTE: ?Remember, no human condition is ever permanent.
Then you will not be overjoyed in good fortune nor too
scornful in misfortune.?

HINT: (470-399 B.C.), ancient Greek philosopher.



some sources claim that David Jung, founder of Los Angeles'
Hong Kong Noodle Company, created the fortune cookie in
1916, possibly to brighten up the survivors of World War
I with the happy messages contained inside.


Others say the fortune cookie was invented Japanese
immigrant Makoto Hagiwara in 1914. Hagiwara was a gardener
who designed the famous Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate


In 1993, San Francisco's Court of Historical Review held a
mock "trial" to settle the matter of the fortune cookie's
origins. The court backed Hagiwara's claim, ruling that the
honor belonged to San Francisco.


Fortune cookies became common in Chinese restaurants after
World War II. Desserts were not traditionally part of
Chinese cuisine, and the cookies thus offered Americans
something familiar with an exotic flair.


Early fortunes featured Biblical sayings, or aphorisms
from Confucius, Aesop, or Ben Franklin.


ortune cookies were originally made by hand using
chopsticks. In 1964, Edward Louie of San Francisco's Lotus
Fortune Cookie Company, automated the process by creating
a machine that folds the dough and slips in the fortune.
Today, the world's largest fortune cookie manufacturer,
Wonton Food Inc. of Long Island City, Queens ships out 60
million cookies a month.


*** Weekly Mind-Scrambler ***

Look for a new mind scrambler in
Monday's issue of Trivia Today!

Submit your answer by visiting:

Answer will be posted in Friday's Trivia Today. Good Luck!

If your name appears in Friday's newsletter, EMAIL your complete name and
address to be shipped your prize.

Be sure to put "Winner" in the subject line.


QUOTE: ?Remember, no human condition is ever permanent.
Then you will not be overjoyed in good fortune nor too
scornful in misfortune.?

ANSWER: Socrates.
