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TRIVIA TODAY - Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Greetings Infomaniacs,

My favorite part about Halloween is the candy!! What's your
favorite Halloween treat? Mine are definitely snack-size
Snickers - I can't stay away from them! I miss being young
enough to trick-or-treat, but now I enjoy taking my godson
Brandon door-to-door.

I'm not sure if he's old enough to appreciate all of the
free candy he collects. Last year when my boyfriend and I
took him he was ready to go home after just a few blocks!
We'll see if he's ready to travel the neighborhood this


Email Melissa:



QUOTE: "Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on
Halloween night."

HINT: (1966-), American short story writer and essayist.



Candy corn was invented in the 1880s by George Renninger of
the Wunderlee Candy and is produced today by the Jelly Belly
Candy Company. An estimated 35 million pounds of candy corn
will be produced this year.


Recorded history traces several types of actual candy to the
Egyptians 3,500 years ago. Boiled candies were popularized
in 17th century Europe. By the mid-1800s, more than 380
American factories were producing candy.


Hershey's Kisses hit the scene in 1907 and have been on
candy shelves ever since with a brief interruption from
1942 to 1949 due to the rationing of silver foil during



Trick or Treating Now and Then-Haunted History of Halloween

Halloween is often known as the dead coming back to life.
To apease the spirits, the Celts would often leave food out
trying to coax the evil forces away from their homes. Which
is where the art of trick or treating began.


Lollipops were first made in New Haven, Connecticut in 1908
by George Smith. They were named after a race horse of the
time, Lolly Pop.


"Trick or Treat for UNICEF" started 1950 in Philadelphia. A
group of young trick-or-treaters, accompanied by their
pastor, collected $17 for children-in-need overseas. The
money was sent to UNICEF and an American tradition was born.


Originally introduced in 1929 by Frank and Ethel Mars, the
Snickers bar was named after their family horse. The
original Snickers bars were sold for a nickel.


*** Weekly Mind-Scrambler ***

You may enter, but you may not come in,
I have space, but no room,
I have keys, but open no lock.

What am I?

Submit your answer by visiting:

Answer will be posted in Friday's Trivia Today. Good Luck!
If your name appears in Friday's newsletter,
email me your complete name and address and I will ship
your prize.
Be sure to put "Winner" in the subject line.


QUOTE: "Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on
Halloween night."

ANSWER: Steve Almond.
