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TRIVIA TODAY - Friday, May 8, 2015

Greetings Infomaniacs,

Congratulations to "Mike Helms" who won this week's "Mind Scrambler". Here was the scrambler:

Skinny I am fast,
fat I am slow,
but I'll still delight you from your eyes to your nose.

What am I?

ANSWER: A candle.


Questions? Comments? Email Melissa

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QUOTE: "Whatever you do, be different - that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can't think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you're different, you will stand out."

HINT: (1942-2007), was a British businesswoman, human rights activist and environmental campaigner, best known as the founder of The Body Shop.


Queen Elizabeth I was taught caution early in life. She learned mistrust of men from her mother Anne Boleyn's fate and was nearly executed for treason by her half-sister Mary I.

Queen Cleopatra of Egypt was once booted from the throne and exiled to the desert by her coruler, younger brother Ptolemy XIII. When Julius Caesar came to Alexandria to mediate the sibling rivalry, she had herself smuggled into her own palace in a rug in order to meet him.

A master of propoganda, Pharaoh Hatshepsut is said to have dressed as a male king and even wore a false beard in the traditional style of pharaohs to ease common fears of a female in power.

Mary I was desperate to have a child to secure the Catholic religion in England instead of her Protestant half-sister Elizabeth taking the throne. She twice thought she was pregnant, but was humiliated when both pregnancies proved false and her husband left for his native Spain.

Princess Elizabeth was on an official trip to Kenya when her father, King George VI, died, making her the new sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. She was at a state dinner in the Treetops Hotel, and it is often said that she "went up the tree a princess and came down a queen."

A legendary warrior, Queen Boudicca rebelled against Roman rule in eastern Britain around A.D. 60. She raised an army and trashed several Roman cities, including London, in retribution for crimes against herself and her daughters, and nearly caused Emperor Nero to pull the Romans out of Britain entirely. She was later defeated, and committed suicide rather than be captured.

*** Weekly Mind-Scrambler ***

Look for a new mind scrambler in Monday's issue of Trivia Today!

Submit your answer by clicking: HERE

Answer will be posted in Friday's Trivia Today. Good Luck! If your name appears in Friday's newsletter, EMAIL MICHELE your complete name and address to be shipped your prize. Be sure to put "Winner" in the subject line.


QUOTE: "Whatever you do, be different - that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can't think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you're different, you will stand out."

ANSWER: Anita Roddick.


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