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TRIVIA TODAY - Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Greetings Infomaniacs,

Over the weekend, I had to keep an eye on my dad's cat Patches while he was out of town. When I stopped by on Sunday night to check on him, I heard a loud, buzzing noise when I walked into the house. I had a moment of panic until I realized it was just this small fountain they have on the floor of the back screened-in porch.

I guess they had forgotten to unplug it, and it was out of water and just running on fumes. I unplugged it, thinking it was no big deal, until I looked to the corner of the room and noticed two big green eyes staring at me in sheer terror.

Apparently, Patches didn't think it was no big deal, as he was cowered in the corner too petrified to move. Even after I unplugged the offending machine, he slouched past it as if it was going to jump out at him any second. I guess they aren't called fraidy cats for nothing, although you'd think they would be a little more fearless with nine lives and all!


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QUOTE: "The body is shaped, disciplined, honored, and in time, trusted."

HINT: (1894-1991), American modern dancer and choreographer.


The three smallest bones in the human body are found in the middle ear: the malleus, the incus, and the stapes.

Wrist fractures are the most common broken bone injury in people under the age of 75. After that, the hip moves into first place.

Infants are born with up to 300 "soft" bones, many of which harden and fuse together as the baby grows. As an adult, a typical human adult's body contains 206 bones.

Stuntman Evil Knievel earned a place in the record books by having broken 35 bones during his career. He's suffered more than a dozen surgeries to repair them, including one to rebuild his pelvis after he shattered it during a motorcycle jump attempt in 1967.

The tingling you feel when you hit your "funny bone" occurs when the ulnar nerve hits the humerus bone in the arm. It's uncertain whether the "funny bone" nickname came about due to the strange sensation, the name of the bone itself, or both.

Men and women have the same number of ribs: 24. Fourteen true ribs connect to the spine and the sternum, six false ribs connect to the spine and the bottom true rib, and four floating ribs connect only to the spine.


Self-Your Best Butt Fast - Kick Kick Jump Rope

SELF magazine and personal trainer Violet Zaki have teamed up to create this routine that will motive you to reach your fitness goals. This clip features the Kick, Kick, Jump Rope that helps tone and trim those glutes and thighs.

Watch It Now: Self-Your Best Butt Fast - Kick Kick Jump Rope

*** Weekly Mind-Scrambler ***

A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters.

Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape?

Submit your answer by visiting: HERE

Answer will be posted in Friday's Trivia Today. Good Luck!

If your name appears in Friday's newsletter, EMAIL MICHELE your complete name and address to be shipped your prize. Be sure to put "Winner" in the subject line.


QUOTE: "The body is shaped, disciplined, honored, and in time, trusted."

ANSWER: Martha Graham.


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