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TRIVIA TODAY - Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Greetings Infomaniacs,

Last week in my Reader's Advisory class, we had to write a 2-page reader profile and describe the types of books we like in terms of genre, appeal, specific authors and titles; and also what we don't like to read. Then, the professor took our profile sheets, mixed them up, and handed them out at random.

Each person received someone else's profile (not knowing whose) and had a week to use various resources to find three books to suggest for the reader based on what he or she wrote in his or her profile. It was a lot more challenging than I thought it would be, but it was also rather fun.

Then, in the next class session, everyone had to tell the class about the reader profile they received and explain what books they chose for their reader and why. It was like Christmas for book lovers as everyone exchanged new book suggestions with one another. Now, I have three new books to check out based on what I like, and I probably wouldn't have known about them without this exercise.


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QUOTE: "A leader leads by example not by force."

HINT: (544 BC-496 BC), ancient Chinese military general, strategist and philosopher.


In September 1955, Dwight Eisenhower became the first sitting president to suffer a heart attack. He'd complained of indigestion while playing golf on the afternoon of September 23 and went to bed that evening still complaining of pain. He was rushed to the hospital after 2 a.m. on September 24.

Ronald Reagan began wearing a hearing aid in 1983; he'd lost a significant amount of hearing on a film set in 1940 when a fellow actor fired a pistol near his head.

Jimmy Carter's particularly personal ailment would've remained his own little secret had it not been for the good intentions of his friend Anwar Sadat. The Egyptian president announced to the world on December 24, 1978, that his good friend Jimmy had hemorrhoids and made a public appeal for all Egyptians to pray for his swift recovery.

Cigar-smoker Grover Cleveland was diagnosed with oral cancer in 1893. At his insistence, his ailment was kept secret, and surgery to correct the condition was performed aboard his yacht. This way, he didn't have to check into a hospital, and the press was never alerted to his condition.

Richard Nixon was first diagnosed with phlebitis in 1965. The condition later led to blood clots in his leg and on his lung.

In 1919, Woodrow Wilson suffered a catastrophic stroke that was hidden from the press and public. In truth, this was Wilson's third stroke; he'd suffered from atherosclerosis and bad teeth, a potentially deadly combination.


44 Presidents Rap

Memorizing the 44 Presidents of the United States might take some effort. This rap song helps students learn the US Presidents in order of their presidential terms, from Washington to Obama

Watch It Now: 44 Presidents Rap

*** Weekly Mind-Scrambler ***

Three playing cards in a row. Can you name them with these clues?

There is a two to the right of a king.
A diamond will be found to the left of a spade.
An ace is to the left of a heart.
A heart is to the left of a spade.
Now, identify all three cards.

Submit your answer by clicking: HERE

Answer will be posted in Friday's Trivia Today. Good Luck!

If your name appears in Friday's newsletter, EMAIL MICHELE your complete name and address to be shipped your prize. Be sure to put "Winner" in the subject line.


QUOTE: "A leader leads by example not by force."

ANSWER: Sun Tzu.


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