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TRIVIA TODAY - Monday, October 5, 2015

Greetings Infomaniacs,

It's October, which means that everything pumpkin is the thing. Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin scented name it!

Here's the thing - I don't like anything that is pumpkin flavored. I told someone this the other day and they looked at me in disbelief.

I've decided maybe I should just keep it my little secret, so don't tell anyone!


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QUOTE: "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."

HINT: (1874-1942), was a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning in 1908 with Anne of Green Gables.


The word pumpkin showed up for the first time in the fairy tale Cinderella. A French explorer in 1584 first called them "gros melons," which translates into Latin as "pepon," which means large melon. It wasn't until the 17th century that they were first referred to as pumpkins.

The original jack-o'-lanterns were made with turnips and potatoes by the Irish. In England, they used large beets and lit them with embers to ward off evil spirits. Irish immigrants brought their customs to America, but found that pumpkins were much easier to carve.

Each pumpkin has about 500 seeds. And they take between 90 and 120 days to grow. High in iron, they can be roasted to eat. The flowers that grow on pumpkin vines are also edible.

Pumpkins are fruits. More specifically, they are a winter squash in the family Cucurbitacae, which includes cucumbers and melons.

Pumpkins are 90% water. And that makes them low calorie. One cup of canned pumpkin only has 83 calories and only half a gram of fat.

Over 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkin are produced each year in the United States. The top pumpkin-producing states are Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and California. Pumpkins are also grown on every continent except Antarctica.

*** Weekly Mind-Scrambler ***

I'm so simple I only point,
Yet I guide people all over the world.

What am I?

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QUOTE: "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."

ANSWER: L.M. Montgomery.


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