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Things To Know Before You Go For Rhinoplasty

Look at your face. What part of it would you change? An
alarming amount of women immediately pick on that area of
our face that tends to stick out the most � our nose. Long,
bumpy, wide, crooked � there are many reasons why women find their nose rather unappealing and don't see their nose as something that gives them "character". This is why rhinoplasty has become exceedingly popular in the plastic surgery world.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that will help
reshape a patient's nose to the tastes and desires of the
patient. The size can either be increased or decreased, it
can be made wider or thinner, the tip can be reduced, and a
crooked nose with a bump can be changed. Some patients even go in for rhinoplasty simply to have the shape of their
nostrils "fixed".

What should I Expect?

The good thing about rhinoplasty surgery is that it typically is an outpatient procedure, meaning that you will step into the doctor's office and step out in the very same day (some more complex cases may require an overnight stay, but this is rare).

The rhinoplasty surgery itself typically takes any where from one to two hours, though if you are having a lot of
reconstructive work done or have a complicated case, it may
take longer. You are placed under an anesthetic while the
surgery is taking place.

Now here comes the more gruesome part, so if you're squeamish, skip right over this paragraph (you have been warned!). In order for the surgeon to be able to get in there and reshape your nose, he will separate the skin that is on your nose from both the cartilage and the bone that holds it into shape. The bone and the cartilage that is now exposed is the area that will be worked on to give you that beautiful new nose that you have been wanting.

How the nose is shaped depends on the issues that you are
having with your nose. A lot of surgeons will choose to
perform a "closed" rhinoplasty, meaning that the surgeon is
working from the inside of your nose. This requires him to
make incisions on the inside of your nostrils in order to
reshape and contour your nose.

The open rhinoplasty involves having the surgeon make an
incision across the tissue that you see separating your two
nostrils. This method is typically used if a plastic surgery case is a bit more complicated.

What can I Expect after the Surgery?

When you wake up from the anesthetic after your surgery, you will notice that your nose will have been placed in a splint. Some sort of packing material may also be in your nostrils to help keep the nose's new shape. Be sure to plan on getting a ride home and getting plenty of rest for the next day or so. Within the next two weeks, the bruising that you saw before will be gone, and the swelling should also have subsided. It may take a couple of months to truly appreciate your new nose as the tissues surrounding it repair themselves, but soon enough you will be left with that stunning nose that you always wanted.