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QUOTE A DAY - February 25, 2014

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*---- Quotes For The Week ----*

Intellectuals and academics (except for Hayekians) tend to treat the rest of the population as total idiots. So it is very hard for them to swallow the statement that, statistically, an intellectual is much, much more likely to be the total idiot...
--Nassim Nicholas Taleb

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.
--Aldous Huxley

Those things in life that touch us deepest and effect our behavior most are those things that no one can measure or quantify or predict.
--Jeff Einstein, Digital media pioneer

**--- MYSTERY QUOTE ---**

Passions are the only advocates that always persuade. A simple man with passion will be more persuasive than the most eloquent without.

See at the bottom for the answer

*---- More Quotes for the Week ----*

Our scientific knowledge, that is to say, is not a variety of belief, a dispositional state of the human organism, but more like a separate human organ evolving under the pressure of unremitting criticism.
--Karl Popper

When you work you fulfill a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born. And in keeping yourself with labor you are in truth loving life, And to love life through labor is to be intimate with life's inmost secret.
--Khalil Gibran, from The Prophet

So indeterminism, as much as realism and objectivism is a necessary conditioning for the proper functioning of the critical method.
--Karl Popper


Passions are the only advocates that always persuade. A simple man with passion will be more persuasive than the most eloquent without.

ANSWER: Rene Descartes


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