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The whole office and warehouse have been down with this stomach bug that is going around. We are just passing it back and forth and getting our families sick in the process. This of course, led me to believe there had to be something that could be done to stop the spread of this. Here are some ways to protect against sickness!

Increase you Vitamin D intact (but not in pill form)
Vitamin D pills while easier and quicker to take are not always effective and can sometimes even be detrimental instead. Natural sunlight is, of course, the best form of Vitamin D for you. Some other good sources are egg yolks, fatty fish, organ meats and even some mushrooms!

Decrease your Processed Foods/Sweetened Soft Drinks
Avoid all processed foods or sweetened soft drinks. When you're feeling sick fried foods, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, and chemical additives can make your body sluggish and make it harder to fight against sickness. Those foods force your body to use extra energy to break down the foods, energy which could be used to help your immune system fight. Instead of these foods, eat fruits, berries, vegetables, eggs, nuts, seeds, or grass-fed meats.

When you're already feeling a sickness coming on, light exercise is recommended. A high intensity workout will take your longer body to recover. Light exercises, such as a walk or a short hike, will allow your body access to the sun, as well as the fresh air, both of which will help the body fight off any sickness.

Increase your Antioxidants
We've all heard it time after time antioxidants are great for the body! Especially the immune system. Load up on antioxidant-rich berries, fruits, and vegetables to help prevent and ward off sickness.

Take Probiotics
Probiotics come in many forms. The most common is pills (found in many health stores) and teas. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially the digestive system. When you're feeling sick, by adding probiotics, it will help keep your gut healthy!

While Probiotic tea is good for your body, so is Green Tea and Chamomile Tea. They both aid in stengthening your immune system. A few cups of Green Tea in the morning with a bit of raw honey and a few cups of Chamomile Tea at night will help with any impending sickness. In addition, because both are loaded with antioxidants, drinking it on a daily basis will help promote overall health, sick or not!

These are just a few of the ways to help ward off sicknesses. Every family has their own remedies that are usually tested through generations, so also ask your family members.