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August 2, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday I ran a tip and forgot a very important part of the tip...oops! Here's the tip: Celebrating by candlelight? Spray the inside of a votive holder with a thin coating before dropping in a tea light. After the candle has burned down, the remaining wax will slip out.

The 'thing' you spray inside the votive holder is cooking
spray. Any brand.

Sorry guys...I some times type faster than I think :)

Handy Hints Holly

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Hint 1: I rarely use brown sugar except when I'm making cookies, which is only a few times a year. I always feel so wasteful when I go to use it again and the whole bag is hard as a rock. I seriously must try this tip next time I purchase a bag....

Stash a few marshmallows in a box of brown sugar or the sugar bowl to prevent the sugar from hardening or clumping.


Hint 2: I love good smelling clothes, don't you?

In case you run out of dryer sheets and you?re in a pinch,
just apply a few drops of fabric softener to a coffee filter, rub the sides together and stick it in the dryer.