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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Afternoon,

Here's a great joke that I heard the other day and it
really had me laughing out loud.

Q: Why did the projector blush?

A: It saw the filmstrip.

Now that's funny.

Enjoy today's issue. It's full of great stuff. Trust me.

Mouthing Off,

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Viral Videos on the Net at

Top Viewed Videos...

1. Violet is turning Violet

2. Myths about alcohol you may not know

3. Celebrities: Before and After Make-Up

4. Amos N´ Andy - In the IRS Office

5. Animaniacs-America Song

6. Get In Shape


[m] q u o t e s . o f . t h e . d a y

"Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization."
- Charles Lindbergh

"A little government and a little luck are necessary in
life, but only a fool trusts either of them."
- P. J. O'Rourke

"It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny."
- Jean Nidetch


What's On the Web?


This game will have you climbing to the top of the heap!
Gather powerups, avoid hazards, and try not to suffer
too many head injuries.

Click to Play:


Daily Groaner Twitter

Enjoy a daily dose of comedy guaranteed to make your eyes
roll! Each 'tweet' delivers one PG13 to R Rated joke and
that's sad but true.



[m] b i t s . n . b o b s

You Know alcohol should be served at work because...

1. It's an incentive to show up.

2. It reduces stress.

3. It leads to more honest communications.

4. It reduces complaints about low pay.

5. It cuts down on time off because you can work with a

6. Employees tell management what they think, not what
management wants to hear.

7. It helps save on heating costs in the winter.

8. It encourages carpooling.

9. Increase job satisfaction because if you have a bad job,
you don't care.

10. It eliminates vacations because people would rather
come to work.

11. It makes fellow employees look better.

12. It makes the cafeteria food taste better.

13. Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are

14. Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable.

15. Suddenly, burping during a meeting isn't so embarrass-

16. Employees work later since there's no longer a need to
relax at the bar.

17. It makes everyone more open with their ideas.

18. Everyone agrees the work is better after they've had a
couple of drinks.

19. Eliminates the need for employees to get drunk on their
lunch break.

20. Increases the chance of seeing your boss naked.

21. It promotes foreign relations with the former Soviet

22. The janitor's closet will finally have a use.

23. Employees no longer need coffee to sober up.

24. Sitting on the copy machine will no longer be seen as

25. Babbling and mumbling incoherently will be common
