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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good Afternoon,

I was thinking back to my college days and all of the things that I had learned. The following joke reflects some of the learning that I learned. (Obviously I didn't become a famous writer after that lame sentence that I just typed out.)

A visitor to a college paused to admire the new Hemingway Hall that had been built on campus.

"It's a pleasure to see a building named for Ernest Hemingway," he said.

"Actually," said his guide, "it's named for Joshua Hemingway. No relation."

The visitor was astonished. "Was Joshua Hemingway a writer, also?"

"Yes, indeed," said his guide. "He wrote a check."

That was a good one. If you're curious about other things that I and most students picked up during the ol' college days please feel free to gander at the Bits 'N' Bobs section and enjoy.

Trust me, I am very learned.

Mouthing Off,

Questions? Comments? Email Mouthpiece

[m] q u o t e s . o f . t h e . d a y

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
- Yogi Berra

"Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life."
- Sophia Loren

"A friend is a gift you give yourself."
- Robert Louis Stevenson

[m] What's On the Web?

21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 8)

You won't believe your eyes when you take a gander at these 21 remarkable images. You won't be able to stop yourself from saying, "What? That can't be!" Just look and be amazed because it's... amazing!

Visit: 21 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped

Introduce Your Kids To Sci-Fi With These 15 Must See, Age-Appropriate Genre Movies

I became a huge Sci-Fi film fan when I was a kid. After watching so many I've realized that some can be inappropriate for kids that are interested in science fiction, space, alien worlds, even space travel. Here a few
excellent recommendations for Sci-Fi fare that you can introduce to your kids.

Visit: Introduce Your Kids To Sci-Fi

[m] b i t s . n . b o b s

* The Following Are Only Learned In College *

1. Quarters are like gold.

2. Be creative in the dining hall.

3. Flipflops become as important as soap, shampoo, etc.

4. You will never find so many excuses for a bucket.

5. Asleep by 2:30 am is an early night.

6. New additions to the food groups: Mountain Dew, Doritos, Ben & Jerry's, Ho-Hos and Oreos

7. Make sure your alarm clock has back-up batteries.

8. Duct tape heals all wounds. (If not, scotch or masking tape will suffice for awhile.)

9. Showers become less important.

10. Sleep becomes more important.


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