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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Good Afternoon,

I never really get involved in politics. It's partly because I don't really understand the ins and outs of the thing, but then again I don't even think the politicians do either.

The real reason I bring this up is laws. I was doing a bit of research on crazy laws that were passed all over the United States and I was shocked; shocked to learn that some of the crazy ideas were not only thought of enough to be shared with the community, but enough goofs thought it wise to vote them into a recorded and enforced law.

I guess you have to be crazy to be in politics. It definitely helps.

Mouthing Off,

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[m] q u o t e s . o f . t h e . d a y

"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight."
- Phyllis Diller

"Politicians should read science fiction, not westerns and detective stories."
- Arthur C. Clarke

"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."
- George Burns

[m] What's On the Web?

Stars Reveal Their Favourite Muppets

The Who's Who of Hollywood offers up their picks for personal favorite Muppet. Be sure to check out Rutger Hauer's pick, it's priceless.

Visit: Stars Reveal Their Favourite Muppets


Hey, we all know that the Oscars are going to stink on ice this year, so why not be part of a REAL movie awards where you can vote for the winners. From categories like "Most Overrated Movie of the Year" to "Best Line of the Year" the Golden Schmoes is for true movie fans.


[m] b i t s . n . b o b s

*-- In Chicago It's the Law --*

- It is illegal to give a dog whiskey.

- In the Pullman area, it is illegal to drink beer out of a bucket while sitting on the curb.

- Law forbids eating in a place that is on fire.

- Kites may not be flown within the city limits.

- It is forbidden to fish while sitting on a giraffe's neck.

- Spitting is forbidden

- It is legal to protest naked in front of city hall as long as you are under seventeen years of age and have legal permits.

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