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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good Afternoon,

I'm having kind of a weird day. I found half of a turkey
sandwich in my coat pocket, a biscuit in my glovebox, and
a Tupperware container full of gravy my refrigerator.
Well, that last one isn't so weird, but you get the point.

I keep finding Thanksgiving leftovers all over the place.
I think it is both bizarre and appetizing at the same

Speaking of bizarre, make sure that you check out the list
of 'Bizarre December Holidays' that I have for you today.
December 10th is the most bizarre by far.

And there's some other stuff in this issue that would be
considered weird, bizarre, fun, interesting, fuel-
efficient, and uni-sex.

All good stuff!

Mouthing Off,

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Top Viewed Videos...

1. All the Single Babies

2. Celebrities: Before and After Make-Up

3. Amos N´ Andy - In the IRS Office

4. The D-Day Invasion

5. The Spanish Civil War

6. The Human Slinky


[m] q u o t e s . o f . t h e . d a y

"I dote on his very absence."
- William Shakespeare

"Worry is a misuse of imagination."
- Dan Zadra

"I know nothing about sex because I was always married."
- Zsa Zsa Gabor


What's On the Web?

The 100 Best Movie Spaceships

It's a fantastic compilation of the 100 Best Movie Space-
ships. Brief descriptions and plenty of pictures.



The Rush Trivia: Frank Reynolds Edition

Do you know Frank Reynolds? Test your knowledge of
(arguably) the craziest member of the gang on "It's
Always Sunny in Philadelphia" with 10 trivia questions.
Danny DeVito Rules!



[m] b i t s . n . b o b s

-------------- Bizarre December Holidays --------------

December 1 is National Pie Day and Eat A Red Apple Day

December 2 is National Fritters Day

December 3 is National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day

December 4 is Wear Brown Shoes Day

December 5 is National Sacher Torte Day

December 6 is National Gazpacho Day and Mitten Tree Day

December 7 is National Cotton Candy Day

December 8 is Take It In The Ear Day

December 9 is National Pastry Day

December 10 is Festival For The Souls Of Dead Whales

December 11 is National Noodle Ring Day

December 12 is National Ding-A-Ling Day

December 13 is Ice Cream and Violins Day

December 14 is National Bouillabaisse Day

December 15 is National Lemon Cupcake Day

December 16 is National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

December 17 is Underdog Day and National Maple Syrup Day

December 18 is National Roast Suckling Pig Day

December 19 is Oatmeal Muffin Day

December 20 is Games Day

December 21 is Look At The Bright Side Day, National
Flashlight Day, National French Fried Shrimp Day, and
Hamburger Day

December 22 is National Date-Nut Bread Day

December 23 is Roots Day

December 24 is National Egg Nog Day

December 25 is National Pumpkin Pie Day

December 26 is National Whiners Day

December 27 is National Fruitcake Day

December 28 is Card Playing Day and National Chocolate Day

December 29 is Pepper Pot Day

December 30 is Festival Of Enormous Changes At The Last
Minute and National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day

December 31 is Unlucky Day
