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March 7, 2012

Hello Everyone,

Are you lacking room in your kitchen cabinets? Too many spice containers? Sounds like your having the same problem as me in my kitchen. The Smart Storage Saver is an item almost every kitchen needs.

I'm sure you all have seen a similar product advertised on
the television called the Swivel Store. I opted to purchase
the Smart Storage Saver because the compartment is wider,
so it easily can store more than just spice containers. It
can hold salsa jars, peanut butter, and vitamins. The one
advertised on TV will only hold spice containers. For more information on this cool kitchen gadget please
visit: Smart Storage Saver

Handy Hints Holly

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Hint 1: It is not uncommon for the air inside a home or office to be more toxic than the air outside. This is because of the presence of toxic materials and substances and the fact that homes and buildings are better insulated than ever before (which is a good thing from an energy standpoint). Keeping windows open as often as possible allows fresh air in and keeps toxins flowing out. This is especially important when cleaning your home.


Hint 2: Skip the store-bought air fresheners and instead try boiling cinnamon, cloves, or any other herbs you have a
fondness for. Fresh chocolate chip cookies also have been
known to create a friendly aroma. Also, plants may not make
your house smell different but are good for filtering interior air--pretty much any broad green leaf plant will do. Peace Lilies are a favorite choice.