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Suffering from Shingles, Arthritis, Muscle Strains & Sprains?
Get Beetle Balm and Relieve your aches and pains today
August 16, 2010


DEAR ABBY: When my two boys were young, I agreed to a reduc-
tion in child support payments with the understanding that
my ex would help later with their college tuition. This was
not put in writing.

Now both my boys are in college and their father is refusing
to help. When I asked him to at least help with the costs
of their books, he said, "That's what child support was
for." I guess I should have seen this coming, as he has been
cruel and unreasonable toward me for the past 22 years.

What's more hurtful is my sons have adopted their father's
attitudes. They have told me their child support should have
been saved for college. I always put my children first and
feel that all the hours I have worked to pay for college
means nothing to them. Have you any advice for me?

DEAR UNAPPRECIATED: Yes. Your first mistake was not getting
the agreement with your ex in writing. The second is in con-
tinuing to foot the entire bill for your sons' college edu-
cation. It's time they applied for scholarships, student
loans and part-time jobs. Close your checkbook and make an
appointment with a lawyer, because your ex may not be off the
hook regarding paying for the boys' education to the extent
that he thinks he is.

DEAR ABBY: "Chad" and I have been married for six years.
While we were dating, I asked him if he was done being in
a band and in the club scene. He said yes.

My dilemma is he has now been asked to be in a band, and he
wants to do it. He told me he won't accept the offer if I
don't want him to, because the issue was important to me
when I was considering marrying him. Now I find out he has
been telling me one thing and the band guys another. He is
planning to join.

Am I wrong to be livid about this? I know he enjoys playing,
which is why he was drumming at church. But why join a band
now? Abby, he's 45! I'm upset but don't know if I'm justi-
fied in being so.

DEAR NOT A BAND WIFE: You are upset because you know your
husband hasn't been truthful with you -- telling you one
thing and his prospective band mates another. Also, the role
of "band wife" is one you specifically wanted to avoid.

Not knowing Chad, I don't know whether he loves music or en-
joys being in the spotlight. That's not something that fades
with age. Because you can't stop him, be a sport and let him
shine. If he's good, enjoy the extra income. If he's not,
this gig won't be forever.

DEAR ABBY: I am an only child who was very close to both my
parents. When my son was born, he completed our happy circle.
When Mom died unexpectedly early this year, it was a painful
shock. Life hasn't been the same without Mama here.

One afternoon, I was missing my mom and prayed for a sign
that she was still watching over us. The next morning in
church, she was still on my mind. During the sermon I quickly
wrote a check for the offering, but didn't rip it out. I then
placed my checkbook down next to me.

When the ushers began passing the plate later in the service
I reached for my checkbook. A shiny new dime was sitting on
top of it! It was my sign from Mama telling me that yes,
she's watching over me and my son and continues to be part
of our lives.

DEAR PAM: Of course she does. Not even death can break a
loving mother-and-daughter bond. It's touching that she let
you know that in church, a place that must have held special
meaning for both of you.

For everything you need to know about wedding planning, order
"How to Have a Lovely Wedding." Send a business-sized, self-
addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $6 (U.S.
funds only) to: Dear Abby -- Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box 447,
Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage is included in the

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as
Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline
Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box
69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.