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Friday, February 8, 2012

Good morning,

Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado and Washington state for recreational use, what is standing in the way of hemp?

We have discussed this topic in Living Green before, but the potential environmental benefits of hemp are so great, it bears repeating.

Canada is investing in hemp production as well as the United Kingdom, and they aren't the only political and economic partners of the United States who are.

Hemp has literally thousands of uses, from food and medicine to textiles and construction, and practically all of those uses are more economic and environmentally friendly than their current alternatives.

Why is America last in this when we should be the first?

Thanks for reading,

Your Living Green editor

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Hemp - What Are We Waiting For?

There are thousands of uses for hemp and it is time to legalize the growing of hemp so that we may benefit economically from this truly amazing plant.

Click here to watch the video