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Friday, March 15, 2013

Good morning,

Have you ever read the ingredients on a bag of bread? The preservatives and chemicals that go into commercial bread-making (especially white bread) are not just hazardous to the environment but they are not very good or you either!

I looked up a great article which clearly explains what goes into white bread and what it does to you.

Remember, the more ingredients, especially chemicals, in your food the worse it is for you, usually.

Please scroll down for excerpts.

Thanks for reading,

Your Living Green editor

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In the manufacture of white flour, manufacturers first remove the wheat seed's bran and the germ which contains 76 percent of the vitamins and minerals and 97 percent of the dietary fiber.

Then it gets worse. What little is left is then bleached, preserved and aged with chlorine dioxide. It is further whitened by adding chalk, alum and ammonium carbonate to make it look and feel more appealing to the consumer. An anti-salting agent called sorbitan mono-saturate is added in the final stage.

A few synthetic nutrients are then added back into the white flour and it is then called 'enriched.'

Laboratory rats usually die in a week to ten days when placed on a diet of white flour. All of the chemicals from white flour and other elements in our environment wreak havoc on the human body. Humans were not designed nor equipped to in- gest cumulative chemicals. A tremendous amount of strain is placed on the pancreas when it is forced to try to protect the body from chemicals.

Whole wheat four and other whole-grain flours retain their bran, germ and nutrients and the vitamin E present in whole- grain flours act as a natural preservative that keeps it from turning rancid for several months.

Don't be deceived by products that are advertised as whole grain, but really are not. They may have some whole grains in them, but there may be a lot of other unnecessary and unhealthy ingredients.

If the ingredients on your bread says 'enriched' and is followed by a long list of chemicals, it has been processed.