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February 14, 2012

Hello Everyone,

Lemons - a fruit with a wonderful fragrance, great in food
and beverages, but also very handy for multiple purposes
around the home! Lemons are high in vitamin C, have an anti-
bacterial effect and are thought to possess antioxidant and
anti-carcinogenic properties. The juice consists of about
5% acid, which also makes them useful for a variety of
household purposes. Lemons and/or lemon juice are a popular
addition in environmentally friendly cleaning applications.

Handy Hints Holly

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Hint 1: If you have little ones running around lemons are
great to keep around the house.

A small amount of lemon juice dripped onto minor wounds can help stop bleeding and disinfect the injury (it will sting a bit). Lemon juice applied to itches, poison ivy rashes and wasp stings is said to relieve discomfort.


Hint 2:
I've ran this tip before, and I'm running it again.
Readers...if you haven't tried this tip I suggest just trying it once, you'll be amazed!

Heat a bowl of water and lemon slices in your microwave for
30 seconds to a minute; then wipe out the oven. Stains will
be easier to remove and old food odors will be neutralized.