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January 15, 2013

Hello Everyone,

Have you heard of Alli-C supplement pills? Let me tell you these are amazing.

A few weeks ago the Gophercentral office was filled with sick bodies, everyone was battling colds and passing it to each other. It was horrible. Anisa brought in a bottle of Alli-C for each of us, and told us all to start taking it. WOW, wow, wow!

Each pill is the equivalent of 36 cloves of garlic. Thatâ??s right, 36 cloves! For millennia people have known that garlic was natureâ??s antibiotic.

That translates to each capsule providing 300 mg pure stabilized Allicin from Garlic along with 60 mg food-based Vitamin C and 40 mg citrus bioflavonoids.

This combination has been scientifically proven lethal to disease-causing bacteria, including over 300 strains of MRSA and VRSA.
Alli-C Supplement

Handy Hints Holly

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Hint 1:

About an hour before bed, lower the lighting in your house
to create the feeling of dusk. This trick, used by sleep
clinics, signals your body clock that it will soon be time
to doze off into la la land.


Hint 2:

Extreme temperatures - hot or cold - can wear down the rubber in sneakers, making them less able to absorb shock while you're walking or working out. So to keep your sneakers in tiptop shape, let them air-dry if you wash them or get them wet, and avoid storing them too close to a heater or radiator.