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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Hello Animal Lovers,

My brother is looking to get a dog, so I turned him onto the Dogs 101 series that is so popular online and on Animal Planet. Hes a 6ft 5in body-builder, but he loves chihuahuas.

As Ive mentioned before, our family dog was an adorable, yet fickle chi-mix. I have no idea what else it was mixed with. He wasnt trained super well, and as this info video suggests, the earlier you start training a chihuahua, the better!

I myself am getting a dog soon too! Looking for a small breed, but probably not this small.but it was super insightful to watch the differences between breeds!

Pleasant Watching,

Featured Video:
Dogs 101: Chihuahua
Chihuahuas may not be the best family dogs, but they are adorable and surprisingly healthy little buggers.

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Last Weeks Video:
10 Animals Not Extinct Anymore
From the adorably cute pygmy tarsier to the laotian rock rat - these extinct animals fought against the odds to come back!

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