Subscribe to DEAL OF THE DAY

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
Money can be made if you use your ingenuity.
Responsibilities with respect to older relatives may
be a burden. You will find that joint ventures could
easily turn out to be dead end projects.

TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21)
Hassles with close friends or family will put a damper
on your day and result in isolation and loneliness.
Emotional disputes will only end in sorrow. You may
be out of sorts if you have been extravagant or have
let children or friends take advantage of you financially.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)
You mustn't take on other people's responsibilities or
you may find yourself irritable and exhausted. You can
expect changes in your living arrangements. Be quiet
about your intentions or ideas that might bring added

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
Try to visit a country that excites you. Prove your
worth; concentrate on getting the job done and steer
clear of office politics and gossip. Relatives will
be happy that you dropped by.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22)
You can make moves, but they won't be settling. Take
a trip or just spend some quality time with your mate.
You can increase the value of your dwelling. Look into
residential moves that will give you more space.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
You'll get to your destination just as quickly. Don't
put all your cash in one place. Sudden disruptions
will cause upset and a change of routine in your
home environment.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Think twice before you volunteer information. Your
competitive nature will enable you to win any contest
you enter. Help an older member with a problem that
faces them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Your suggestions for fund raising events will be well
received. Try to understand both sides of the issue before
taking sides. Rewards, gifts, or money from investments
or taxes can be expected.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
You may need a good friend to lean on. Take time to help
a friend who hasn't been feeling well. Expect to have
more people on your domestic scene.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
You may find it difficult to communicate. Try not to let
relatives or friends cause any friction with your mate.
Rewards for past good deeds will highlight your day.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Channel your energy into decorating or household chores.
This is a great day for a family outing or just a drive.
You have made an accurate assessment of the situation and
have come up with ideas that will save money.

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
You can come up with future trends in creative fields.
You have been going through a period of change that has
caused problems for you with your loved ones. Don't spend
too much on products that promise amazing cosmetic results.