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Fall & Winter Beauty Tips

When the temperature changes, so should your beauty
routine. Your hair and skin react differently to cooler
climates, so you need to redefine your regimen to get the
results you want to see. If you want to adapt when the
weather gets colder, take note of these fall and winter
beauty tips to keep your skin healthy and your hair
looking beautiful.

Winter Skin Care

Cold weather means indoor heating which will have an
adverse affect on your skin. To combat the drying affects,
switch to a heavier moisturizing cream to add much-needed
hydration. Lock in moisture by doing this while your face
is still wet.

Avoid baths and showers that are too hot, and cool the
water before you get out. Your skin will retain more
moisture this way and you won't go through the temperature shock so much when you get out. Rub in body lotion on your arms and legs and feet, particularly on your elbows and knees.

Use eye cream at night to combat dryness. If you do this
on a regular basis, you'll probably notice a reduction of
fine lines and wrinkles. Get your beauty sleep to lower
stress and put your best face forward.

Homemade Body Scrub

Care for your hands as you do your face and they'll look
soft and young for years to come. If your hands, feet and
elbows are dry, this homemade body scrub will get them
back in shape and give soothing relief: Mix a half cup of
Epsom salts, one tablespoon olive or canola oil and a few
drops of lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange juice. Apply
to the dry areas of your skin, rub gently in a circular
motion, then rinse off.

Prevent Chapped Lips

Many women only experience chapped lips in the Fall and
Winter months. Avoid licking your lips and use a
moisturizing lipstick in the daytime hours and apply lip
balm before you go to bed. If you're a teen, enjoy the
many lip products on the market for your age group and
dazzle your smile.

To remove any unwanted dry skin off of your lips, you can
exfoliate them with your toothbrush when you brush your
teeth. In a pinch, add a dab of Vaseline to protect them.

Winter Hair Care Tips

Not only does your skin dry out when the weather turns
cold, so does your hair. Pay special attention to your
hair needs do some damage control with a deep conditioner
if you notice it drying out. It only needs to be washed
twice a week, but it's important to wash out any styling
products that weigh down your hair. For a quick fix,
apply a leave-in conditioner for extra moisture and shine.